An important announcement for all our customers. Due to the outbreak of COVID-19 the British Association of Removers has released the following statement announcing the suspension of its Advanced Payment Guarantee…
“The spread of the Coronavirus pandemic is unprecedented in modern times and its impact on all industries has been sudden and extremely damaging, including that of UK removals. It is against this background that the BAR finds itself having to suspend its Advanced Payment Guarantee Scheme with effect from 20/03/2020.
Existing claims against the scheme will, of course, be fulfilled, but no new claims will be considered from that date. The BAR regrets the necessity to take this course of action and will continue to review the situation over the coming months.
BAR Members are respectfully requested to append this notice to all quotations issued, and contracts made, for their respective customers, and that your sales staff are instructed accordingly. We would also advise that this notice is appended to your website and/or any other client-facing portals or material that you may use. We will further update any change to this policy statement as and when appropriate.
Thank you for your cooperation and support during these difficult times.
On behalf of the Board of Directors of the BAR”